Proxinvest allows its investor clients to benefit from its knowledge of the Governance of listed companies, and Proxinvest offers the Governance Analysis Service. Its services are adapted to the needs and objectives of each of its clients, which may include the following in particular :
Governance filter in the stock selection process
Screening Portfolio Governance
Rating Portfolio governance
Impact Measures Governance
Access to Proxinvest governance data
Proxinvest can provide data to its clients, in a tailor-made logic.
- Capital ownership and control
- Composition of the Board
- Remuneration of corporate officers
Transmitter & Audits
Proxinvest provides quantitative and qualitative data in the field of Corporate Governance of European listed companies: articles of association, shareholders, management bodies, remuneration, control bodies (board of directors or supervisory board, specialised committees, statutory auditors, etc.).
Issuer governance ratings
Proxinvest offers a multi-criteria Governance rating and has defined 4 main themes, with weightings, comprising 72 criteria :
- Ownership & Control (30%)
- Board of Directors (30%)
- Executive Remuneration (25%)
- Company & Audit (15%)
Proxinvest assigns an overall score (in base cent), detailed by theme and criterion. It is updated at least annually and at any time in the event of a significant event.
- The rating methodology is robust, predominantly quantitative, with a moderate qualitative adjustment within predefined limits (+/- 10 for each theme).
How to subscribe to the rating service :
- Access by company
- Access by subscription
Personalized Voting Policy
Analysis of the General Meeting and Voting Recommendations
Exercise of voting rights
A Collective Shareholder Engagement Service in France
A Collective Shareholder Engagement Service in Europe
Personalized Shareholder Engagement Service
Monitoring of statutory thresholds to minimize the risk of failure to make threshold crossing declarations