Proxinvest offers its clients :
- The implementation of a Personalized Voting Policy
- The General Meetings Analysis and Voting Recommendations department
- Exercise of voting rights in general meetings
The implementation of a Personalized Voting Policy
Proxinvest reviews the various parameters with the client to define a voting policy that corresponds to its specificities. The efficient organisation of the voting process presupposes a precise definition with the investor, in line with his management objectives, of the various voting criteria and their activation threshold.
Proxinvest has an analysis grid that makes it possible to combine and apply more than 300 legal and financial criteria for each of the resolutions proposed at the AGM. Thanks to this personalised, documented, auditable voting policy, which is applied to each line of the portfolio, investors can exercise a rigorous and fair vote.
The Proxinvest service for setting up a tailor-made voting policy can be combined with the other elements of our offer, in particular the Alerts and Advisory Letters.
The General Meetings Analysis and Voting Recommendations department
The Proxinvest Advisory Letter summarizes for each General Meeting, the voting recommendations according to the Proxinvest voting policy, with a detailed Analysis of the company and the resolutions submitted to the shareholders’ vote. The Proxinvest Advisory Letters are available in advance of the General Meetings.
The Advisory Letter systematically analyses the legal and financial impacts of the resolutions put to the vote, but also :
the company’s financial statements
- the structure of direct and indirect capital control
- all statutory protection measures
- details of agreements generating conflicts of interest
- the composition, organisation and independence of the supervisory bodies
- remuneration of supervisory bodies
The Advisory Letters are available in French and English for French issuers and in English for foreign issuers.
Essential for providing shareholders with independent information, the Proxinvest Advisory Letters enable them to vote in full knowledge of the facts at the General Meetings, but also to reinforce selectivity and performance.
Proxinvest provides investors with an Alert system on resolutions that do not comply with their Voting Policy and that are likely to result in a negative vote at the General Meeting.
The specifics of the client’s Voting Policy are integrated into an Owner Tool by our experts and applied to the universe of issuers previously defined with the client.
The Alerts thus generated are transmitted to the client in the format he wishes.
The Alert system, as part of the Voting Recommendations service, is only available in conjunction with Letters to the Editor.
Exercise of voting rights in general meetings
The Proxinvest Internet voting platform allows identified client shareholders to generate their votes in line with their final decision for French issuers.
Proxinvest also generates statistics, including those required by the AMF for management companies, with decisions archived over several years.
Proxinvest has an analysis grid that makes it possible to combine and apply more than 300 legal and financial criteria for each of the resolutions proposed at the AGM. Thanks to this personalised, documented, auditable voting policy, which is applied to each line of the portfolio, investors can exercise a rigorous and fair vote.
The Proxinvest service for setting up a tailor-made voting policy can be combined with the other elements of our Offer, in particular the Alerts and Advisory Letters.
The Proxinvest internet voting platform for French issuers can be used as an interface for voting on an international platform as part of the operational outsourcing service of voting proposed by Proxinvest.
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